School Updates

    Unit 2 will be performing "You Are Special" - a heartwarming musical with a timeless message of ways to unpack the key values of acceptance and self-worth. 

    There will be 2 performances for families: 2pm and 6pm on Tuesday 26th March. 

    Meet the Governors

    Safeguarding Policy

    Norden Community Primary is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of young people. We expect all staff, visitors and volunteers to share this commitment. For more information, please see our Safeguarding Policy. (Safeguarding Policy would be a direct link to the document)
    Yes, I accept the Safeguarding Policy. 

    View Policy
    The Role of the Governing Body

    All schools in England have a Governing Body which is responsible for overseeing many of the strategic decisions of the school. The Governing Body works in close partnership with the Headteacher, staff and the Local Authority. Whilst the Headteacher is, of course, responsible for the day to day running of the school, the governors main three roles include:

    Strategic - The governing body sets the general direction of the school, looking at how it should best develop. This is done by reviewing and agreeing policies, targets and priorities and monitoring and reviewing aims and objectives.

    Critical Friend - A governing body should work with the Headteacher and create a clear understanding of the challenges face in managing a school.

    Accountability - A school is a business and its stakeholders are the learners. The governing body must have a professional attitude and use its collective skills to benefit the learners. It must gather views, ask questions and decide what is best for the school. The governing body is answerable to parents, the wider community and the local authority.

    School governors are drawn from different parts of the community. This helps to ensure that the governing body has sufficient diversity of views and experience but does not mean that governors of a particular category "represent" that group on the governing body. The different categories of governor are as follows:

    Parent governors

    Elected by parents to serve on the Governing Body

    Staff governors

    To include the Head Teacher if they wish to be a governor. Remaining staff (both teaching and non-teaching are represented) governors are elected by other members of staff at the school via elections.

    Authority governors

    Local Education Authority ( LEA ) governors are appointed by the LA . LAs can appoint any eligible person as a LEA governor.

    Co-opted governors

    Appointed by the Governing Body to represent community interests. They can be persons who live or work in the community served by the school, or persons who do not work or live close by, but are committed to the good governance and success of the school.

    Further Information

    Please click here for further information on the Rochdale council website about a governors role.

    Please click on the link to go to Governors Website


    Members of the Governing Board 2022 - 2023

    Mrs Rachael Bentham
    Headteacher from 1st January 2019

    Mrs Sue Moore-Holmes
    Co-opted Governor (Chair of Governors)

    Mr Stuart Willis (Vice-chair of Governors)
    Co-opted Governor 

    Mrs Janet Simmons

    Co-opted Governor

    Cllr. James Gartside
    Local Authority Governor 

    Mr Nigel Morrell
    Co-opted Governor 

    Michelle Berry

    Margaret Farrell

    Emily Baylis-Tunney

    Davis Ashworth

    Benjamin Howartth

    Helen O'Donnell

    Detailed Governor Information

    Governor Attendance

    At Norden Comunity Primary we do encourage governors to get to know the class they are linked to and suggest the following:

    A picture and a brief autobiography of the governor are on the wall in the classroom so that the children recognise him/her and know something about him/her.

    The governor is invited to class assemblies, Christmas/Eid parties, sports days and outings where s/he joins in the activities and gets to know the children.

    On occasions the teacher gets children to write to their link governor telling him/her about things that the class is doing and enclosing samples of work e.g. poems, pictures and writing that the children have done. The governor keeps the work in an album/file.

    Please find below a link to download a full list of governing board Year group and subject links:

    Year Group LInk Governors

    Subject Link Governors

    Other Link Governors